New words:

protein ['prəuti:n] n. 蛋白质
calcium ['kælsiəm] n. 钙

Sample Sentences:

Fish was a major source of protein for the working man.
Try to balance your diet by eating more fruit and less protein.
Milk products are an excellent source of calcium and protein.
It helps your bodies use calcium, which is necessary to keep your bones strong.

source [sɔ:s] n. 来源;源头;根源;原因

New words:

physical ['fizikəl] adj. 物质的;物理的;身体的;肉体的

Sample Sentences:

He had a physical examination.
Youth is the time of physical growth.
No one knows how large the physical universe is.
These are physical changes while those are chemical changes.

New words:

outshine [aut'ʃain] v. 比…做得好;使逊色;高人一筹
outshone ['aut'ʃɔn] v. outshine的过去分词和过去式

Sample Sentences:

Simon outshone his elder brother at math.
The young girl violinist outshone all the other competitors.

New words:

spiritual ['spɪrɪtʃuəl] adj. 精神的;心灵的

Sample Sentences:

I had always thought of Italy as my spiritual home.
Her spiritual beauty outshone her physical beauty.

outshine [aut'ʃain] v. 比…做得好;使逊色;高人一筹
outshone ['aut'ʃɔn] v. outshine的过去分词和过去式
physical ['fizikəl] adj. 物质的;物理的;身体的;肉体的

New words:

symbol['simbəl] n.符号;象征;标志

Sample Sentences:

The dove is a symbol of peace.
They have the same symbol on their hands.
Gold remains the traditional symbol of wealth in China, but diamonds have become popular, especially for weddings.