New Words:

exam [ɪɡˈzæm] 考试
until [ənˈtɪl] 到……时,直到……为止

Sample Sentences:

I got my exam results today.
I think I did OK in the exam.

Don't move until I tell you.
Let's wait until the rain stops.
You can stay until morning, if you wish.

New Words:

choose [tʃuːz] 选择;挑选
chose [tʃəʊz] choose的过去式
decide [dɪˈsaɪd] 决定;对…作出抉择

Sample Sentences:

You choose, I can't decide.
It's time for her to choose a dress.
We chose to go by train.

I decide to buy the blue coat.
First I had to decide what to wear.
I can't decide to go to see a film or to watch TV at home.

New Words:

pass [pɑːs] 通过;走过
password [ˈpɑːswɜːd] 密码
understand [ˌʌndərˈstænd] 懂;理解;领会;了解

Sample Sentences:

If you want to pass the exam, you must study hard.
I saw someone pass, but I don't know who it was.

I forgot my password.
You will get the password soon.

One day you'll understand.
I don't understand what you are talking about.

New Words:

ready [ˈredi] 准备好;准备完毕;已完成
ready to do sth 准备好做某事
ready for sth 为某事已做好准备

between [bɪˈtwiːn] 在…中间,介于…之间;在…之间

Sample Sentences:

I won't go until I'm good and ready.
'I'm ready to go now.' he told her.
He's always ready to help his friends.

Right, I'm ready for bed.
I was very angry and ready for a fight.
Can you help me get everything ready for the party?

He had to decide between the two.
I had to choose between the two jobs.
There's an age difference between the boys.

New Words:

success [səkˈses] n.成功;胜利;
successful [səkˈsesfl] adj.成功的;达到目的的;有成效的

Sample Sentences:

The party was a big success.
They didn't have much success in life.
Their success was the result of hard working.

The party was very successful.
I want to become a successful writer.
He worked hard that's why he was so successful.