New Words:

test [test] 测验;测试;(医疗上的)检查,化验
difference [ˈdɪfrəns] n.差别;差异

Sample Sentences:

The results of the test were very successful.
Tell me. How can I help you to pass the test?
"I'm ready to go out into the world and test myself. " he said.

It was hard to tell the difference between the two samples.
She doesn't understand the difference between right and wrong.
Children must be taught the difference between right and wrong.

New Words:

result [rɪˈzʌlt] 后果;结果
county [ˈkaʊnti] (英国、爱尔兰的)郡;(美国的)县

Sample Sentences:

When can I get my test results?
There's no difference in the results.
The end result is very good and very successful.

Every autumn I go to the county fair.
These horses were the best in the county.

New Words:

broken [ˈbrəʊkən] adj.破损的;伤残的;破碎的;v.break的过去分词
screen [skriːn] 屏幕
seat [siːt] 座位

Sample Sentences:

I think the desk is broken.
I found a lot of broken glass.
The broken window let the wind in.

What does it say on your computer screen?
It's time to see the results on the screen.

Come in,take a seat.
Please keep me a seat.
Can I change seats with you?

New Words:

bat [bæt] 球棒;球拍;球板;蝙蝠
mend [mend] 修理;修补
skateboard [ˈskeɪtbɔːrd] 滑板

Sample Sentences:

He wrote his number on the bat.
Now swing your bat like I do.

Could you mend my bike for me?
This car was mended by him last week.
They took a long time to mend the roof.

Look. I found a nice skateboard.
They carry the food on a skateboard.

New Words:

swap [swɒp] 交换
swapped [swɒpt] swap的过去分词和过去式
swap sth for sth 用…替换;把…换成;掉换
swap sth with sb 跟sb交换sth

Sample Sentences:

Can we swap places? I can't see the screen.
I'll swap these two bottles for that one.
I swapped my red scarf for her blue one.
He swapped his old car for a new motorcycle.
We swapped seats with the people next to us.
Your book looks more interesting than mine . Do you want to swap with me ?