New Words:

pay [peɪ] n.工资;薪水。 v.付费;偿还;交纳;付酬
paid [peɪd] v.pay的过去分词和过去式。 adj.有偿的;付费的;有报酬的;有薪金的
price [praɪs] 价格;价钱

I'm paid $100 a day.
I'll pay for the tickets.
They are paid by the hour.
Her parents paid for her to go to Canada.
Her job is hard work, but the pay is good.

Did you ask the price?
What price did you pay for this desk?
How much are these? They don't have a price on them.

New Words:

hill [hɪl] 山丘;小山
mountain [ˈmaʊntn] 高山;山岳
gas [ɡæs] 煤气;天然气

Can you find Black Hill on the map?
We climbed to the top of the hill.

What's the highest mountain in the US?
Snow was falling on the mountain tops.

The price of gas rose.
Gas rose in price.
Gas is coming down in price.
Gas is cheaper than coal.

New Words:

rise [raɪz] 上升;增长;提高;升起;起床;站起来
rose [rəʊz] rise的过去式

The river is rising after the heavy rain.
I asked for a pay rise and she agreed.
The sun was rising over the hills.
The next morning I was the first to rise.
Call me when you rise from bed. = Call me when you get up.
The price of gas rose.
She rose from the chair.

New Words:

number [ˈnʌmbər] 数字;数;数量;编号;序数
date [deɪt] 日期;约会
wallpaper [ˈwɔːlpeɪpər] 壁纸;墙纸;桌面背景
chimney [ˈtʃɪmni] 烟囱;烟道

They live at number 26.
My phone number is 266998.
If you need any help, here's my number.

What's the date today?
What's the date of your move?
I have a date with Bob.

I put that wallpaper up with my own two hands.
I don't like the wallpaper on my computer.

I roped myself to the chimney.
Smoke was rising from the chimney.

New Words:

address [əˈdres] 住址;地址
lift [lɪft] 提起,举起,抬高,吊起
careful [ˈkerfl] adj. 小心;注意;谨慎;
be careful 小心;当心;注意

Do you know his address?
I'll give you my address and phone number.
Please give your name, address and date of birth.

He's strong enough to lift a car!
They used a crane to lift the car.
Can you help me lift this heavy box?

Be careful of the traffic.
Please be more careful in future.
You must be more careful with your work.